

Working out and fitness became a key part of Emily’s life when she moved to Cleveland, OH in 2017 and created a can-do mindset. She decided she was going to push herself every day in the gym and prove to herself what her body was really capable of. Her goal was never a number on the scale or certain dress size, but to appreciate and value her body and its endurance. This new perspective on life helped her complete a full Tough Mudder competition, run 10 miles straight and give her the tools and confidence to teach SPRNG break classes. Emily’s mantra? “I don’t run or do burpees because I always want to, I do it because I CAN, and that makes all the difference.”

When did you begin your personal fitness journey/when did fitness become a key part of your life? 

My fitness journey began in college, but didn’t become a key part of my life until end of 2017. I recently had moved to Cleveland and really wanted to start making my health and wellness a priority. I started working out at a local gym, that focused heavily on weight lifting and really pushing yourself harder. This really helped give me a whole new perspective on my body. Not only was I working out to lose weight or look a certain way, I was working out because I loved pushing myself and proving to myself that I could run faster and lift heavier. I loved seeing myself with muscles and feeling strong. Now it’s not just about the scale to me, it’s about moving my body, being healthy and happy. I don’t run or do burpees because I always want to.. I do it because I CAN - and that makes the difference.

Any former athletic/fitness achievements or certifications? 

I completed the full Tough Mudder last year which is something I was so extremely proud of! Took about 4 hours, and we ran about 10 miles with 25 obstacles. It was so intense but SO fun. Amazing to see what you can do if you try!!

During quarantine I started to run a lot, which was never my strong suit. On my own, I decided I wanted to run 10 miles straight - no stopping! I did it which I’m also very proud of. 

When did you begin instructing? 

When Sara “made” me January of 2019! I was so nervous and scared, but she always had faith in me.

 How do you want the SPRNG community to feel after taking one of your classes? 

Tired and smiling... thinking “Yeah, that sucked BUT I did it because I’m strong and I can!” 

What’s your WHY?  

Like I mentioned, something that really resonates with me is working out because I can. Sometimes I don’t want to, but I never regret a workout. Our bodies are amazing and they pull through for you when you pull through for them. I plan to always have a very active lifestyle, and in order to do that... I have to keep moving. 

What does studio SPRNG mean to you? 

Having a community of friends that will push you out if your comfort zone because they see potential in you. Having a community that will hold you accountable to reach your goals. Having a community filled with fun and laughs at all times!

What SPRNG classes do you teach? 

SPRNG Break! It’s just as fun as it sounds. I’m here to help with the 10-15 minutes of muscle training that gets you toned and happy.

When you aren’t instructing, what can we find you doing?

Oh boy, working out, DUH! Reading - lots of reading, please share any suggestions!  Cocktails with the girlfriends. Enjoying time with my family. Oh, and holding myself back from online shopping at all times (99% for workout clothes). 

Pump up song of choice?

Dance (A$$) by Big Sean feat Nicki Minaj 

Dream SPRNG pop-up location?

Pittsburgh because I have a lot of besties there who would be so so excited. 

If you could workout with anyone, who would it be?

Taylor Swift. 

Instagram? @studiosprngemily

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